Brainless Blog (aka Jellyfish-Brain)

                I just completed the revisions for my next book, The Lost Guardian. It is now on its merry way to the publisher, and I get to relive the joys of jellyfish-brain. It is incredible how senseless one becomes after three weeks of intense rewrites and edits. It is not fun, and anyone who tells you otherwise is not now and never will be a type-A, perfectionistic, serious writer who has survived the last three weeks on chunky chocolate chip cookies and V8 +Energy drinks (Honeycrisp apple berry is my favorite!). The struggle is always real, people!

Perhaps I stress because this book is the fourth (and final?) book in my young adult fantasy fiction series. Therefore, lots of threads had to be wrapped up, battles had to be fought, dragons had to be saved—well, if you want to know why dragons had to be saved, you’re just going to have to read the book!

Now I am not unused to jelly-fish brain. This is my fifth book, after all. Still, it is rather unpleasant not to be able to put two thoughts together. I do have other projects waiting in the wings, you know. Not to mention, my next anthology piece is due in July, and have I started on it? No. Do I have an idea of what to write about? No. Is it likely to come in the next week? Please! Laughable scenario, that one!

What makes jelly-fish brain so undesirable is that this is the time when my Muse starts singing loudly—“You’re finished! Time to move on!”—and poking me and making a general nuisance of herself. When I most desire to write, my brain refuses to cooperate. Characters are loose in my head, running wild like college kids at a dorm party. Ugh. Let them have cake, I say, for I just do not have the wits right now to corral them into something creative and coherent. Even the thought of making dinner is too much. I long for a Netflix binge!

          Still, at least I made myself write this blog because one must always stay in practice, even if the result is a jellyfish-brain ramble. Here’s to conquering the struggle!

1 thought on “Brainless Blog (aka Jellyfish-Brain)”

  1. Love the jelly-fish comparisons to your apparently extremely intelligent brain!! Since your life reflects such a non-existent non-busy schedule, i.e. mother, wife, teacher, writer, housekeeper, nurse, others, and then the mom thing again, I think a jelly-fish day or two is warranted every once in a while.!! At any rate, cannot wait to read “The Lost Guardian” and see how your awesome youth fantasy book series ends! I know it will be as incredible as the writer.

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