The Golden Bloggerz Award

What a lovely surprise I received today by the lovely Suchita Senthil Kumar @suchita_senthil! Suchita is a 17-year-old blogger from India and, according to her Twitter handle, an “artist creating chaos,” which I absolutely love. Suchita is currently blogging about her life during Covid and how she works to find balance in a crazy world @voicesofyouth and

I think the Golden Bloggerz Award is a wonderful idea, so thank you to its creators. This is a fun way to get to know other other writers and bloggers and to share a little bit about myself.

Three Things About Me:

I love mythology—all mythology. Although I am the most comfortable with the Ancient Greeks, I have recently been studying the Ancient Egyptians and the Norse myths. I have also dabbled in Celtic and Japanese folklore and enjoy learning the various characters, monsters, and legends associated with each.

If I could travel anywhere in the world, it would be to Greece. I think it is one of the loveliest countries in the world, rich in mythology and culture. I think it would be fantastic to visit the Parthenon in Athens, the Palace of Knossos on Crete, and the gorgeous white city of Santorini.

I am the Cat Lady. Seriously, I love cats. I cannot say no to a cat. At one time, I had twelve (all outside though!). I currently have five, all with quite distinct personalities. They run the gamut from adventurous to cuddly to chatty to laid-back to downright sassy. I really do love cats.

My Answers to Suchita’s Questions:

  1. When did you first start writing? I started writing when I was thirteen. In fact, my Secret Keeper series was born out of ideas I had and worked on as a teenager. I still have most of the writings I did at this early age. I’m relieved to say I have most definitely improved over time! 😉
  • What was the last book you read, and did you like it? The last book I completed was The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah. I very much enjoyed this story of survival in the great Alaskan wilderness. Despite its length (576 pages), I really had a hard time walking away from it. The first person narrator, who was I believe 13 or 14 when the story began, worked because she learned as the reader learned. This book was definitely a worthwhile read. (On a side note, I am currently reading Still Hungry…After All These Years by Richard Simmons because he’s my current BFF crush. I love Sweatin’ to the Oldies!)
  • What is the best thing that has happened to you this year? I would have to say
  • If you met your school-going-self, what is the one advice you would tell yourself? I would tell myself not to give up the piano. I took lessons for about three years when I was younger, and then I stopped. I didn’t like playing recitals in front of others. I simply wanted to play for me, but I quit instead of seeking other avenues. I suppose it was a good lesson learned, but still…
  • What kind of stories do you like reading/listening to/watching? I like all kinds of stories so long as there are intriguing characters. I enjoy a good fantasy or adventure story, and I like stories where people overcome great odds. I don’t always need a happy ending, but I do like to feel that there is closure.  

My Best Posts:

Wardrobes, Alleys, and Attics: this is one of the first blogs I wrote about one of my favorite places in the world, my grandma’s attic.

Know Thy Character – Scott: this blog has received the most attention so far. In it, I talk about the inspiration for one of my favorite characters in my YA fantasy series, The Secret Keeper.

George: this post is about my childhood imaginary friend, a ghost named George. Whether it’s one of the best posts or not, it is fun.

And now for the Nominations:

Samantha Bryant at – a writer/teacher/mom who blogs about striking a balance in her life. Her post “Six Years In: My Writing Career” is a great one to start with if you are not familiar with her work.

Kiloan at – her blog “Living in the Pleasant” is a good reminder to writers to make sure we strike a balance between pain and pleasure in our stories.

Heartachepoet at – poetry focused on love and loss, heartbreak and healing

Carla at – another poetry site that’s fun and heartfelt. “Fraikas” and “No Bones” are two of my personal favorites.

Julianne at – “A Fantasy Book Castle” is one of my favorites because (a) it includes a snippet from her second book The Enchantment Unveiled, and (b) who doesn’t love castles?

EJ Norris at – a fantasy fiction writer whose blog “Writing About Writing: Be the Pie” focuses on how to let negative experiences flavor your writing

Diana at – Her blog is all about positivity, and let’s face it–after 2020, who couldn’t use more of that?!? I really like the “50 Self-Love Affirmations for Self-Empowerment” blog. Having a positivity jar is a great idea moving forward!

Bel at – a website full of blogs, short stories, and tips and advice on how to stay happy and healthy spiritually, mentally, and emotionally

Phil and Maude at – blogs and articles devoted to having peaceful relationships with those in your life. Of special interest – “How to Work Through Disagreements to Reach a Mutual Solution”

Debbie at – posts about coming to writing later in life and surviving spiritually and emotionally in the time of Covid

My Questions to the Nominees:

  1. From what do you draw your inspiration?
  2. Name one item from you childhood for which you still hold sentimental feelings.
  3. The most magical place in the world to you is…
  4. What is the best piece of writing advice you have received or heard/read?
  5. Who is your favorite author (or book), and why?

The Rules

  1. Place the award logo on your blog.
  2. Mention the rules.
  3. Thank whom ever nominated you and place a link to their website.
  4. Mention the awards creator and add a link to that too.
  5. Tell your audience three things about you.
  6. Answer your nominator’s questions.
  7. Nominate 10-20 people who deserve this award.
  8. Let the nominees know by messaging/commenting on their social media or their blog.
  9. Ask your nominees any five questions that you want.
  10. Share 2-3 links to your best posts

And that’s it for this post. Once again, I would like to sincerely thank Suchita and the creators of the Bloggerz Award for this incredible opportunity. Be sure to spread the word about other awesome writers and bloggers!

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